On Michael Jackson, The King of Pop
The name of Michael Jackson needs no introduction. People around the world know him as one of the most successful American singers of all times. He is also known as the ‘king of pop’. The music legend has gone through a lot of physical changes throughout his life. His much-debated transformation started in his youth and went on until his death.
From Black Kid to White Global Icon
Although Michael Jackson himself never admitted to taking any cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure, but plastic surgeons could not digest his claims of this enormous change in his physical appearance without any surgical treatment. Whenever someone asked about his changing appearance, he always replied that it is due to vitiligo.
The Mystery of Jackson’s Plastic Surgery
How to solve this mystery of plastic surgery of Michael Jackson? If we analyze the way Michael Jackson changed his appearance, we are left with no choice but to believe that he had had a variety of cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments. One of the most important procedures he had is skin whitening procedure because only vitiligo cannot make a black person white.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery of Celebrities
People always love to read stories of celebrities’ plastic surgery. Most of the celebrities do not disclose their plastic and cosmetic surgeries, but media somehow manages to get these stories. Many people among us are afraid of plastic surgery because they often read the stories of failed plastic surgeries. Plastic surgery has evolved to become safe and effective in recent years. There is no chance of going wrong if you choose the right surgeon and the right procedure.
Want to Change Like Michael Jackson?
The cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments have now become more advanced. You can also attain a physical transformation like Michael Jackson. If you are interested in transforming like Michael Jackson, we can help you do this. Laser Skin Care Clinic is the best skin care center in the UAE. For the last 12 plus years, we have successfully performed plenty of celebrity treatments.
Free Consultation
In the end, we can say that cosmetic treatments can do a lot for us. If you need more information about any cosmetic procedure, please feel free to give us a call anytime. One of our dermatologists will help you solve your problem. So sign up for a free consultation session and directly speak to one of the best dermatologists in Dubai.